Black Medicine Iced Coffee

Caffeine Levels

per fl. oz bottle


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Black Medicine Iced Coffee is a RTD bottled iced coffee made by pressure brewing light roasted coffee beans.

Their pressure brewing process creates an iced coffee that is 50% stronger than regular coffee in both taste and caffeine.

However, Black Medicine claims that their product is free from bitterness and incredibly smooth to drink.

Black Medicine Iced Coffee isn't flavored or sweetened in any way, but consists of just pressure brewed coffee and a little vitamin C to preserve its freshness.

Unlike bottled cold brew coffees, Black Medicine isn't a concentrate, but ready to drink as is or with the consumer's choice of sweetener and/or whitener. 

Ingredients in Black Medicine Iced Coffee

Water, Coffee beans, and vitamin C

Sugar content: Contains no sugar.

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Caffeine Concentration

Black Medicine Iced Coffee contains 18.73 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (63.32mg/100 ml).

Caffeine (mg) per Ounce
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Black Medicine Iced Coffee 5 Hour Energy Coffee (Espresso) Coca-Cola Classic

Sources and email from the company.