Orange Rush

Caffeine Levels

per fl. oz bottle


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Orange Rush is the ultimate workout drink mix containing protein and carbs. A grueling training session makes your body crave carbs and protein.

Orange Rush contains the optimal protein and carb mix so your body can sustain a stronger workout and prime itself to gain more muscle mass.

Every scoop contains a high-density herbal mix, providing a powerful dose of Yerba Mate, Guarana (caffeine), Korean Ginseng, Green Tea Extract, Orange Peel Bioflavonoids and more!

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Ingredients in Orange Rush

Sugar content: Unknown.

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Caffeine Concentration

Orange Rush contains 31.25 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (105.67mg/100 ml).

Caffeine (mg) per Ounce
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Orange Rush 5 Hour Energy Coffee (Espresso) Coca-Cola Classic Spike Energy Drink


Body Shop Energy