The Most Popular Coffee Drinks Among Students in Canada

In Canada, coffee drinking is a serious business and part of its cultural identity. Over the past decade, its coffee imports have more than doubled with an ever-increasing appetite for quality coffee.

Coffee is a way of life, and for students, it's an essential part of their daily routine. They know exactly what brew they prefer and everything from the amount of coffee, the method of steaming and pouring the milk, and the container in which it is served distinguishes one from another.

Flat white

A flat white is milk poured over a single or double shot of espresso and everything revolves around the silky foam. The key is steaming the milk at a consistent temperature so it has tiny, barely discernable bubbles that spread evenly and intermingle with the expresso.

An easy way to tell that this is done properly is the merging of the milk with the caramelized coffee to create a dark dark-hued swirl. The drink has a velvety texture that caresses the taste buds and packs a flavorful punch. Flat whites are usually served in a ceramic mug.


The latte originated in America and has become popular throughout the world, including in Canada. A latte is similar to a flat white but it tastes milkier. The typical ratio is a third espresso: double shot, two-thirds steamed milk, and a centimeter of foam.

As it contains more milk, it is appreciated by students looking for a less bitter drink. The exact preparation of lattes can vary quite widely and sweeter versions are often made by adding flavors like hazelnut or vanilla. It is usually served in a glass cup rather than a ceramic mug.


The cappuccino originated in Italy and traditionally has even layers of espresso, steamed milk, and foamed milk. It starts with a bottom layer of a shot or two of espresso. A second layer consists of steamed milk, and a thick top layer of frothed milk gives it a luxurious velvety texture. When it's made correctly, it has a perfect ratio of a third espresso, a third steamed milk, and a third frothed milk.

The coffee cup used for a cappuccino is usually between 150 and 180ml to give the right balance of flavor. A cappuccino may be topped with chocolate or cocoa dust, although true coffee lovers believe this detracts from the aroma of the coffee bean.

Help with education for Canadan students

In Canada, a café serving lattes won't last unless the barista knows how to create latte art. It doesn't just look pretty but indicates to the students drinking them that the milk is perfectly frothed. Students are well-known for consuming endless cups of coffee as they struggle to complete their assignments within a deadline. They may need to find personal statement writing help or maybe someone to do their essays, homework, resume, etc. To help them cope with all the writing they have to complete when getting a college education, Ca.Edubirdie is the top choice. It’s worth it as professional writers can help them balance their academic life better and score better in every exam, whichever Canadian college or school they might be studying in.

Long black

For American students who drink Americanos, a long black consisting of two shots of espresso poured into hot water is a good Aussie alternative. It may look similar to an Americano, but there is a difference, although both consist of espresso and hot water. The main difference is how the water is mixed.

To make a long black, the espresso is poured over the hot water and less water is used than for an Americano. It is a concentrated drink so the flavor of the espresso is pronounced and it is important to use good quality coffee. Pouring the espresso over the water when it's too hot affects the flavor, whereas the right temperature water keeps the sweet and retains the layer of cream over the top.


A ristretto is one of the smallest coffees available and requires some skill to make. It's a shot of very concentrated coffee and its shorter extraction time, smaller volume of water, and finer grind distinguish it from an espresso. A ristretto is pulled for a shorter length and runs through the machine with a lower ratio of water to coffee than espresso.

Extraction stops before the full acidity is released, so it contains less caffeine. Consuming caffeine for students needs to be done in moderation, or it can cause nervousness, tremors and other negative symptoms. Soft beans with medium to low acidity are better with the type of extraction because an acidic coffee could be too sour in a ristretto.


Drinking coffee is an essential part of the daily routine of students in Canada and they know exactly what they want. Some of the abovementioned brews are their favorites, from flat white, latte and cappuccino to the more intense flavor of the long black and ristretto. Canadans love their coffee so much that they won't compromise on flavor and expect the best beans, roasting and more to make that perfect cup of coffee.