Pure Liquid Caffeine Review: Use With Caution!
Pure Liquid Caffeine is concentrated caffeine that is intended to be mixed into your favorite beverage and measured carefully.
Liquid Caffeine comes in two formulations and a variety of sizes. It can be a more cost effective way to make energy drinks. Here are our reviews of both versions.
Liquid Caffeine Regular

Liquid Caffeine is basically an eye dropper of liquefied caffeine and B vitamins, without any of those fru-fru flavor ingredients. I shouldn’t have to say much more here, because believe it or not, every one of you has tasted Pure Liquid Caffeine. Don’t remember? Think back to the last energy product you consumed that had a bitter after taste. That after taste? It was Liquid Caffeine.
Now, Liquid Caffeine is not meant to be drunk on its own, but mixed with a beverage of choice. Power to the people! When mixing a recommended capful of Liquid Caffeine with your favorite vending machine product, you won’t have to concentrate hard to pick up on the aftertaste. It’s noticeable, but by no means does it destroy your drink.
Every ounce gives you 500mg of caffeine.
An ounce of Liquid Caffeine will go to work with respectable intent, much to my delight. I never found out what more than one cap will do, because one was always enough! There’s not much to expect when it comes to crashing.
This one’s got my thumbs up. I just love the idea of having a resealable, highly portable, bottle of concentrated caffeine. Keeping one in a jacket pocket is the epitome of being prepared for an energy lover.
Reviewed by Dusty Smith
Pure Liquid Caffeine Sweet

Liquid Caffeine Sweet is lightly sweetened and the directions are simple; Just add to your favorite drink, honestly! The “jug” even says “If you can drink it- you can add Liquid Caffeine Sweet to it” .
Warnings say it’s very potent and with 12,000mg of energy I can see why.
The Liquid Caffeine Sweet bottle says that I can add it to any drink, so to get a true taste, I added it to 2 different drinks. First up, water. I dumped a recommended dose of a capful into about a 10oz glass of water. The contents had a very cough syrup smell to it yet the capful didn’t dramatically change the taste of my water. The water seemed a bit sweeter, yet nowhere near overpowering.
The 2nd drink I tried was a 10oz glass of apple juice. Same result. I didn’t expect to even taste the Liquid Caffeine Sweet, yet just as the water, it seemed to sweeten the juice and once again nothing overpowering or bad tasting.
Each 1 oz serving contains 375mg of Caffeine. Other ingredients include Sorbitol glycerin and gum arabic.
The effect of Liquid Caffeine Sweet was great. The bottle says potent and potent it is! I did drink 2, 10oz glasses with Liquid Caffeine Sweet mixed in, not sure if I over did it or not, but I did love the boost I got. Never felt jittery at all, just very very awake! Its just a capful, and you would think it would be too diluted to do anything, NOT AT ALL. As close to a perfect boost as I have ever had. Very slight to no crash towards the end.
Reviewed by Brandon Trouten
Pure Liquid Caffeine is available in single shot, 16, 32, and gallon sizes.
Please use Pure Liquid Caffeine responsibly and this product isn’t suitable for minors.

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