7-Eleven: Big Energy Fusion Coffee
7-Eleven have created a new coffee brew.
As well as a blend of coffee beans, their Big Energy (formerly Fusion Energy) coffee contains a “proprietary blend of three herbs, ground and ready to be infused with the fresh coffee.” .
Those three herbs are Guarana, Yerba Mate, and Ginseng.
Was Energy Fusion, Now Called Big Energy
Fusion Coffee was discontinued for a couple of years, but according to our visitors it’s back in select 7-Eleven’s but under the name Big Energy.
I went out to 7-11 last Saturday to try it for myself. I filled the large cup up with the freshly brewed coffee, added some milk, and was ready to have it with my donuts.
It Tasted Normal
To me it tasted no different than other dark roasted coffee, but to those that like a light roast, it may taste a little strong.
I enjoyed every sip.
Definitely Something Besides Coffee in There
I usually drink 2 cups of coffee a day and the equivalent amount of Big Energy Coffee seemed to double my normal coffee’s effects.
I felt wide awake and ready to conquer my Saturday. It wasn’t a crazy rush…. No heart palpitations or energy sweats, just increased alertness.
The rush lasted into the afternoon before I was ready for a nap.
We are working to get more information about Energy Fusion including its caffeine content. Be sure to check back for updates as we will post them as soon as they are made available.
The Cruft blog has grabbed some photos of the new promotion – one of which claims that Fusion has “Twice the caffeine”). That’s a difficult claim to make when it comes to coffee due to the variations in blends and brewing method.
However given that Big Energy is drip-brewed coffee – the caffeine is probably quite high. See also Meth Coffee.

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