Yellow Subs Xtreme

Caffeine Levels

per capsule
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Yellow Subs are often categorized as party pills, herbal highs and even a dance pill.

They contain a high dose of caffeine.

Consumers should use extreme caution when using this product and only consume as directed. 

Those sensitive to caffeine should avoid it entirely. 


This review was completed by an independent drink reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of this site.

I was sent some free Yellow Subs caffeine capsules for review and they intrigued me.

They reminded me a lot of the Yellow Jacket pills that I used to take on long road trips.

But, a look at the ingredient profile had me excited, because these caps contain a lot of proven supplements in each cap and they are marketed as a legal party pill.

Yellow Subs Ingredient Profile

Each capsule contains 250mg of caffeine, and a blend of: cocoa bromine, cayenne, EGCG green tea extract, L-Phenylalanine, Yerba Mate Leaf, green coffee bean extract, NADH, and Jaborandi.


These caffeine pills are no joke! I felt a lift within a few minutes of taking one and this energy burst lasted for a long time. I expected some jitters and I predicted correctly. But, I also felt an increased ability to focus and was more productive than usual.

Yellow Subs Verdict

I highly recommend Yellow Subs Extreme Energy Caffeine Supplement for those looking for a boost before a workout or for a study aid. I tested these in both contexts and was very pleased with the results. I didn't test them as a party pill, but they should do the trick. One warning though, the serving size is one cap, taking two would yield 500 mg of caffeine. Always be careful with caffeine pills.

Reviewed by Jason Kleindorfer

Ingredients in Yellow Subs Xtreme

See our review

How Does It Compare With Other Foods?

Caffeine per Item

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Foosh Energy Mints Hershey's Special Dark Bars Jolt Gum


Body Shop Energy