Dragon Pearl Shot: Super Natural Energy?
The energy drink industry seems to be branded as one that releases unhealthy products. Countless studies have been written about the sugary, caffeinated drinks that supposedly wreak havoc on our bodies and poison our minds.
Personally, I completely disagree with these statements and very much hate the fact that the authors of these articles seem to ignore the healthy options that energy drink consumers have. Dragon Pearl Energy has sought to make a healthy, green tea based shot that will help save our bodies. Have they succeeded?
You would expect a tea based shot to taste like tea, correct? Dragon Pearl Energy Shot has decided to flavor their shot with concord grape, pomegranate, blueberry, and acai juices. I understand this move, as many do not like tea. The taste starts out quite bitter, but slides into a sweet finish. If you like grape juice, you will enjoy the flavor of Dragon Pearl.
In addition to the juices, Dragon Pearl contains green tea, concentrated to the point that one shot equals the same as 3 cups of tea. The shot contains 100 mg of caffeine, and has 11grams of carbs with 45 calories.
Dragon Pearl’s Effect
I took this shot in the morning before class, and I noticed a decent lift in energy and mood about 15 minutes later. There was no surge of energy from Dragon Pearl Shot to speak of, simply a rise that carried me through most of my morning then tapered off about an hour later.
I like the fact that energy drink companies are looking to make healthier alternatives to the mainstream energy drinks. Would I pick this shot up over a Lo Carb Monster? Probably not. But, the Dragon Pearl shot does what it was meant for: it supplies a lift in energy without a lot of sugar and calories. If I were going to recommend improvements, I would add some B Vitamins and Taurine. If you like green tea and/or grape juice, or are looking for a healthy shot, check out Dragon Pearl.
Reviewed by Jason Kleindorfer

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