Monster Xpresso Review
Monster X-presso was a line of espresso/energy drink hybrids that used nitrous technology.
Monster has since discontinued the X-presso line and instead focuses on their strong selling Java Monster line.
For nostalgia sake, Here’s the review of X-presso Hammer and X-presso Midnite.
X-presso may be available in some markets and while supplies remain.
X-Presso Hammer

Monster was one of the first major energy drinks and became very successful. Then they were one of the first to create a Java energy, another success, yet can they strike gold again with a energized, nitrous oxide infused espresso?
Monster Hammer has kept up the classic look that Monster has portrayed throughout all their cans. Hammer comes in a 6.75oz can with a dark wood grain background and their signature M ripping through. Also, the font covering the can only adds to the uniqueness of Monster cans. Truly one of the better looking cans out there.
Overall appearance: A
Popping the top instantly gave me that classic espresso aroma. Taking the first sip, one thing leaped out at me and that was how SMOOOOTH this drink was. I found it very creamy, with a hint of chocolate in the aftertaste. There’s a number of java/espresso based energy drink on the market, some good and some tasting and resembling puddle water, yet Monster Hammer truly gives you a coffeehouse quality espresso in a can.
Overall taste: A-
With the drink being so smooth and tasty, I found the can empty before I knew it and without any effects. Yet shortly after, I got the boost I had hoped for. This drink offers the same energy blend as Java Monster so the caffeine content should be comparable. Not sure if it will provide the boost to get you out of bed in the morning, yet when your crashing at work during your post-lunch break, Monster X-presso Hammer will provide the kick to get you to the finish line.
Overall effect: B+
I went into this review with high hopes and high expectations. Monster never let me down before and with Hammer they only kept up their reputation. This is one of the better drinks I’ve had in a long time, and will definitely be reaching into the fridge to get more in the future and look forward to the future varieties of Monster X-presso.
Overall verdict: A-
X-presso Midnite

First of all, I’m not a coffee fan yet Hammer had a creamy sweeter taste which I loved, the new Midnite has much more of a coffee taste. A bit less creamy then Hammer, yet contains a pretty strong coffee bean taste, comparable to a slightly smoother cup of coffee.
X-Presso Midnite lacks the sweet taste I was looking for.
X-Presso Midnite Ingredients
The 12oz (284ml) can will provide you with 100 calories, 18g of sugar, and 3 g protein, along with 100% of our daily need of Vitamin B’s. The energy comes from 1000mg of taurine, 200mg Panax Ginseng and an energy blend of 2500mg (made up of your usual caffeine, inositol, guarana L-camitine, maltodextrin, glucuronolactone and glucose.
I did manage to finish the can of X-Presso Midnite which was a struggle since I’m not a coffee fan, but was looking for a high quality rush. The energy rush was a little less than I was looking for.
Not only does the taste compare to a cup of cold coffee, so does the energy level. I did feel a decent boost and it lasted a bit longer than a cup of joe. No jitters, but not enough energy to power me through my morning at work.
If you’re a coffee drinker then I would suggest the newest Monster, yet if you’re not a fan of java yet did enjoy Hammer, then stick to Hammer and know you’re not missing anything with Midnite.
Both Reviewed by Brandon Trouton
Were you a fan of X-presso? Would you like to see these drinks come back?

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