Pure Bio: 100% Organic Energy Drink
Today I have in my possession an organic energy drink from Austria. It goes by the name of Pure BIO and claims to be the first energy drink from organic farming.
It is contained in a sleek, fruit garnished 250ml (8oz) can and gives me some tasty vibes. Although, to be honest, I am more excited about the fact that it is from Europe rather than the fact that it is organic (which is more “market” than “movement” in my opinion).
Alas, I am not here today to make social commentary on the current food/beverage market, I am here to see if Pure Bio has the goods. So I will do that instead!
Pure BIO has a fresh taste that is lip smacking good. The first sip yields a fizzy, carbonated, bright orange flavor. There is a slight carrot backing along with some hints of mango and peach. It is only slightly tangy and a bit sticky, but is quite refreshing. The carbonation makes it easy to savor the 8 oz can without gulping Pure Bio down too quickly.
Pure Bio Ingredients
If you enjoy organic products then this little mama has the stuff. It contains natural mineral water, organic orange juice and carrot juice, cane sugar, and most importantly natural caffeine (apparently extracted straight from the coffee plant itself). Sadly I do not know the actual amount of the caffeine in this tasty little drink, and by this I am somewhat outraged. On a separate but related note, Pure BIO does not contain any other energy conducive ingredients.
Editor’s note: Further investigation reveals that a can of Pure Bio contains 80mg of caffeine.
It is by no means a powerhouse, but it woke me up and kept me going. Pure BIO is essentially an energy drink that is a coffee equivalent. I always enjoy energy boosts on the level of Pure BIO’s, not too much yet not too little. Just enough to get through the day without breaking a sweat.
In the end Pure BIO is a well crafted beverage that successfully bears the organic name. It’s refreshing and gives a coffee-like energy boost that will keep you kicking. Although I usually unveil a snarky smile when I see the word organic printed on something, Pure BIO has given me some hope in that department. Simple yet solid. Now go try some for yourself!

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