Speed Energy Drink by Robby Gordon
So I’m at our local superstore, the kind of store that sells everything under the sun and about to check out, when this new Speed Energy Drink endorsed by Robby Gordon in the cooler catches my eye.
The store sells everything from tomatoes to toilets, so why wouldn’t it sell energy drinks?
I decided to give Speed Fuel Energy a try and see if it does speed up my energy or just leave me flat. Speed is also available in Octane and Unleaded varieties.
The scent as I open the Speed Fuel can is kind of like Orange Crush, a nice refreshing orange smell. The orange flavor is just right. Very smooth without being over powering or watered down. The carbonation is also just right.
Even if the flavor is good, too much carbonation can ruin the drink, but not in this case. Speed Energy Drink is a lot like many of the orange flavored sodas on the market. It can be consumed alone or with a meal.
Speed Energy Drink Ingredients
Speed has about the usual 160 calories, yet the amount of sodium is quite high, 305 mg. I don’t remember other energy drinks having that much sodium. Speed also has 75mg potassium and 40g sugar. As for vitamins, Speed packs a pretty good punch, 140% of your B2, B3 and B5, 285% B6 and an extreme 710% B12, with trace amounts of vitamin C and folic acid. The energy comes from a energy blend of 1815mg made up of the usual subjects (taurine, caffeine, glucuronolactone, inositol, ginseng extract and guarana seed extract).
The effect of Speed was pretty average. It gave me a decent rush within about 15 minutes but lasted roughly 2 hours with a very light crash.
Speed Energy Verdict
This energy drink was somewhat solid. The taste was good, yet I could have used more of a rush. However, the taste was good enough to make me go back to it in the future. Overall, Speed Energy Drink is a good energy drink in a market full of garbage ones. If you’re looking for an energy drink that won’t rock your world, but will satisfy your energy thirst, you should be fine with reaching for a Speed. This also will be a hit with Robby Gordon Nascar fans
Reviewed by Brandon Trouten

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