Review: T-Fusion Energy Tea
After the Turkey Hill eBlast (discontinued), I return to Turkey Hill with T-Fusion their version of an energy tea. T-Fusion is an interesting drink as it does the unusual thing of blending red, green and black teas.
The can for T-Fusion is a small improvement on the spare aluminum from eBlast, but it has a little more character for this 16 ounce can. For a large sized dairy I would expect more from Turkey Hill, but why the heck is a dairy making an energy drink anyway.
Turkey Hill T-Fusion scared me right off the bat. It was foamy as I poured it into a glass in a way that I would not expect from a tea. T-Fusion is also much, much too sweet. It definitely has the tea earthiness, common to many energy teas, but on top of that is an overly sweetened and refined mango. The mango starts nice but devolves into a really gross artificial aftertaste.
Turkey Hill T-Fusion is a 0 calorie, 0 sugar energy so that’s a plus for you tea, health fanatics. The other ingredients are citric acid, taurine, teas, caffeine (100mg/can), B Vitamins, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, guarana, and ginseng.
I found that the kick was pretty weak overall. I had hoped to get a good blast of energy from the tea, but it sort of let me down with only a mild boost of energy. I am disappointed with the low performance of T-Fusion which only produced about 2 hours of energy, but maybe it makes up for the low boost with health properties since tea is so good for you. I can only hope that is the case.
Reviewed by EnergyGuru.

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