Top Caffeine Myths

A cup of aroma coffee is what many people start their day with. While some enjoy the ritual of making the first daily drink, others strive to get a portion of energy. Indeed, a modern pace of life makes people do everything on the go, and sometimes it is hard to stay the same energetic and active if you run empty. It is when caffeinated drinks and products come to the rescue. For example, students who reject coursework writing help often resort to energy drinks and big portions of chocolates to stay up late at night and work on their homework. However, there is a category of people who avoid drinking coffee and any caffeinated drinks, believing that this substance will not bring anything good. Well, we live in the era of total advertising, so you shouldn't let your guard down. Nonetheless, one should realize the difference between a marketing ploy and the real qualities of the product. In most cases, caffeine is not the only evil that negatively affects your health.

1. Most office workers overdo it with caffeine consumption

Many people believe that they consume too much caffeine in their working places, and it is the main reason why they feel so exhausted. Let's go deep down the question to understand whether it is the case. Is there any norm that defines how much caffeine is too much? Actually, yes. It says that a grown-up person shouldn't consume more than 400 mg of caffeine per day and 200 mg per one portion. Is it likely that you overdo it with caffeine consumption in your workplace? The chances are high that you don't unless you treat yourself to highly caffeinated energy drinks. Statistics show that one out of seven people exceed the norm, besides men do it more often than women. An average cup of coffee contains about 90 mg of caffeine, while espresso can boast of 200 mg. Thus, if your coffee consumption doesn't exceed these numbers, you are still in the safe zone.

2. Various caffeine sources affect your health differently

According to statistics, coffee (60%) and green tea (30%) are the main caffeine intake sources, and the remaining 10% are covered by other sources, such as chocolate and energy drinks. Many people avoid drinking coffee or replace it with green tea, believing that caffeine from the latter source will positively affect their health. However, it is far from the truth. It doesn't matter what source you choose, but you will suffer from a wide range of unpleasant consequences if you overdo it with the norm. If you don't want to face the post-caffeine effect after a sleepless night, just follow the link to get help with your assignments.

3. Combining caffeine with alcohol is dangerous

There is a belief that caffeine is incompatible with alcohol, and even if a healthy person treats themselves to such a cocktail, they will jeopardize their health and even life. Besides, some people are sure that combining energy drinks with other ingredients present in mixed drinks will change the way caffeine influences their health. Nonetheless, various health care authorities don't agree with such statements. They claim that neither alcohol nor other ingredients change the caffeine effect on your body unless you cross the legal limit of alcohol consumption. Thus, it is more important to stay within the safe zone both with caffeine and alcohol intake if you don't want to poison your body.

4. Caffeine worsens your memory and mental state

No matter how much coffee you drink, it will not affect your health as negatively as trouble sleeping and constant stress because of the high college workload. Thus, if you want to take care of your mental health, it is better to turn to the research paper writing service when you feel overwhelmed and exhausted. At the same time, concerns about the negative influence of even moderate caffeine intake on your brain are groundless. Everyone knows that caffeine boosts concentration and helps turn on tunnel vision. That's why energy drinks are so popular among young people in the run-up to their final exams. It has been proven that a moderate intake of caffeine will not harm your health but rather will slow down the development of various mental issues.

5. Caffeine dehydrates your body

It is one of the most widespread caffeine myths that make people stay away from coffee consumption. However, numerous studies have proven that there is no connection between coffee intake and dehydration. People who participated in the study drank about 4 cups of coffee daily, but neither their blood nor urine tests provided any evidence. Thus, if you reject coffee only because you believe that your skin will become dehydrated and get old much faster, it is time to pop in a cozy café and treat yourself to a delicious drink.

6. Caffeine is addictive

This statement can be considered equally true and false, depending on the meaning you put in the word "addictive." Caffeine boosts your nervous system, and its regular consumption may really cause physical dependence in some people. Nevertheless, it doesn't jeopardize your physical, mental, or social state on equal footing with truly addictive substances. If you decide to reject caffeine intake all of a sudden, you may have certain unpleasant feelings in your body, especially if you constantly overdo it with coffee consumption. However, you will not face the cold turkey effect and drug-seeking behavior.