V Pocket Rocket Energy Shot
Is that a V Pocket Rocket in your Pocket or are you just glad to see me?
V is spending heaps of money to market their new energy shot, with wild TV ads showing guys with a rocket pack strapped to their back doing all kind of insane feats.
Also, V Pocket Rocket is showing up in stores everywhere. This is helped by the fact that V already has contracts with just about every supermarket, bakery, dairy, gas station, and convenience store in New Zealand.
Can this little green shot propel me to the stratosphere or at least to the top of the Auckland Sky Tower?
Ok, V Pocket Rocket, you are the first energy shot I’ve ever tasted that doesn’t use artificial sweetener, but just plain honest to goodness sugar! Thank you and although your shot was a tad bitter, I would choose that any day over the sickening sweet sucralose taste and its gross aftertaste that stays for ages.
V Pocket Rocket is basically a extremely condensed version of their V Original but with a lot less sugar. Did I mention it’s real sugar? Anywho, with a lot of Kiwi and Aussie shots giving you a nice boost of caffeine and not much else, V stays true to it’s original formula and blasts you with 160mg of caffeine, 72mg of guarana, 500mg of taurine and a nice dose of vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12.
After about 10 minutes, I began to feel the full effect of V Pocket Rocket. It definitely pulled me out of my late morning doldrums and was much needed on a rainy, gloomy day such as this. I’m not bouncing off the walls, but my head feels clear and I’m ready to plug on for a few more hours.
Energy shots such as V Pocket Rocket are a great way to get a quick boost of energy and V has done a good job with their entrance into the energy shot market. However, I think the $3.50 to $4.00 price tag for such a little rocket is a little over the top. V has a great reputation in the Southern Hemisphere so Pocket Rocket should do well. Now if they would just let me try that rocket pack out, it would be sweet as!

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