Advocare Spark Energy Drink Review
Advocare Spark Energy Drink Mix is a popular energy supplement sold by independent Advocare distributors.
I happened to discover this drink in a strange way…….
Have you ever been to an electronics store and found a great deal on men’s cologne?
No? Well how about a two-for-one deal at a car lot, have you seen one? I wish.
What about a farmer’s market? Ever been to one and found an incredible energy drink product you’ve never seen before? No? Well nah nah in your face I have!
This summer I took a trip to the local farmer’s market with my mom, my greatest excitement being the possibility of finding a flawless eggplant to complete my cornucopia crafting project. Sarcasm.
Anywho, I walked by a table where a nice lady was selling Advocare performance products.
This table just reeked of multi-level marketing, but I couldn’t resist inquiring about the “Spark” energy drink powder packets.
Without even telling the saleswoman about my status as an energy drink reviewer, she grabbed a bottle of water, filled it with a whole packet of Spark, and let me continue on my way while I drank the bottle down.
Less than 20 minutes later: holy organic cucumbers Batman!
I later bought three flavors of my own Spark packets: grape, fruit punch, and mandarin orange. They also offer citrus and cherry. All you need is a cold bottle of water, one of these packets mixed into it, and it will plaster a smile onto your lethargic face.
The experience was better than I could have even expected, especially after E-Boost set my standards so low. Not one stage of the show can be categorized as bitter, transparent, overly sweet, or overly tart. Delish!
/begin list/ 120mg caffeine, 750% B12, 750% B6, 300% niacin, GABA /end list/
Quite small compared to the 17 active ingredients in Optimind Energy Supplement.
No matter how you consume a packet of Spark, whether it be straight, snorted, mixed into your Easy Mac flavor packet, or… oh ya mixed into water, you are guaranteed the perfect long-lasting energy boost.
No joking around here, these packets are simply the perfect pick me up. This will be my first product review where I end up purchasing more of what I sampled.
Advocare Spark changed my energy drink life. I can now truthfully say that given the immediate availability of a Spark packet, I would choose a bottle of water from a cooler instead a stand-by favorite energy drink. That’s right, a flavored bottle of water over, say, a NOS or Rockstar Punched Citrus.
Up until Spark, that’d just be crazy talk.
Reviewed by Dusty Smith
Advocare also makes Slam Energy Shot which is a ready to drink, 2 floz shot of caffeine, vitamins, and amino acids as well as Slim, which is a caffeinated weight loss supplement.

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