Full Throttle Coffee + Energy

Caffeine Levels

per fl. oz can


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Full Throttle Coffee + Energy is a coffee energy drink hybrid. Other similar drinks include Java Monster, Starbucks Doubleshot Coffee + Energy and Rockstar Roasted.

Full Throttle is made by the Coca Cola company and comes in three flavors; Mocha, Caramel, and Vanilla.

Note that the Mocha formulation has slightly more caffeine than the other two flavors.

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Ingredients in Full Throttle Coffee + Energy

Sugar content: 45 grams (per 15 ounces).

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Caffeine Concentration

Full Throttle Coffee + Energy contains 8.50 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (28.74mg/100 ml).

Caffeine (mg) per Ounce
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Full Throttle Coffee + Energy 5 Hour Energy Coffee (Espresso) Coca-Cola Classic Spike Energy Drink