Jamba Juice Energy Drink

Caffeine Levels

per fl. oz can


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Jamba Juice Energy Drink is an all natural energy beverage made for the popular smoothie shop by Nestle'.

Although Jamba Juice has an energy option for their fresh made smoothies, these canned energy drinks are a way for their customers to take Jamba Juice anywhere.

This is similar to what Starbucks did with producing their canned DoubleShot beverages.

Three Flavors

There are 3 flavors to choose from. Crisp Apple, Strawberry Banana, Blueberry Pomegranate.

All three drinks are carbonated and have no sugar added, but are additionally sweetened with stevia.

Also, all three flavors have an apple and lemon juice base with the other flavors added in.

The caffeine content comes from green tea extract.

Note: Consumer Reports recently tested Jamba Juice Energy Drink and they found that it averaged 98mg of caffeine per can.

Does Jamba Juice Energy Drink Have Kick?

The caffeine content is on par with that of red bull, but Jamba lacks B vitamins or Taurine. However, many report that green tea based beverages make them feel more alert than others.

Green tea also contains L-theanine which is known for it's calming/alertness effect.

Where Is It Sold

Jamba Juice Energy Drink is sold at Jamba Juice stores and major retailers like Walmart or Target as well as select locations around the country.

Where To Buy Jamba Juice Energy Drink

Ingredients in Jamba Juice Energy Drink

Blueberry Pomegranate
Apple juice, pomegranate juice, lemon juice, water, blueberry puree, natural flavor, caffeine, green tea extract, stevia, carbonation.

Sugar content: 20 grams (per 8.4 ounces).

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Caffeine Concentration

Jamba Juice Energy Drink contains 9.52 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (32.20mg/100 ml).

Caffeine (mg) per Ounce
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jamba Juice Energy Drink 5 Hour Energy Coffee (Espresso) Coca-Cola Classic Spike Energy Drink