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Chi 3 Goji Berry Energy Shot
I’ve realized something recently: XS Energy is actually quite a special company. To my knowledge, they were the first to sell energy products in a multi-level marketing scheme.
In retrospect, it looks as if they’ve pioneered what has become a very popular business. Just like the Advocare and Nuvo-E products I’ve recently reviewed, Chi-3, the shot I’m reviewing for you here, is sold through average people who are trying to make an extra buck.
So, is Chi 3 just another marketing product for you to gamble your money on in sales, or does it actually work? The answer is yep, you guessed it, in the following paragraphs.
Chi 3 isn’t all too bad. It has a little bit of an energy shot bite, but for the most part it’s smooth and almost creamy. Kind of like chai tea milky-creamy. Is that making sense? No? Well it’s all I’ve got.
Chi 3 is working with 2,000% B6 and 8,333% B12 as the big guns. On top of that, we have two blends that contain the likes of 100mg caffeine from green tea leaf, taurine, N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine, and Glucuronolactone. I think they made that last one up.
If you wake up in the morning and are on the verge of collapsing at your desk; if you’re driving late at night with weighted eyelids; if you’re pulling an all-night study session – reaching for Chi 3 is suicide.
As Chi 3 reps will tell you, however, it’s not formulated to fight bloody battles with your lagging brain. I believe it’s made for the greater purpose of riding shotgun with a mind that’s already successfully performing basic operations. When I sampled the shot with this in mind, it was mildly impressive. My attention to my surroundings seemed a little more wholesome.
Chi 3’s makers have done a good job picking a direction to differentiate themselves from other energy products. In reality, though, all this looks to be good for is making aggressive anti-*Red Bull etc.* statements that are polished with choice words. I say that because Chi-3 offers a boost comparable to a good breakfast or couple slaps to your face while listening to a favorite album. If that’s your thing, then just ignore my thoughts and give it a try.
Reviewed by Dusty Smith

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