Heat E.S.P. Energy Drink: “Herbal Energy”
You ever heard of herbal energy drinks? No? Let me refresh your memory.
They’re the ones that never deliver the energy they promise, except for the extreme gustatory wakeup call you get from the unfortunately “all-natural” taste.
Much to my confusion, though, I have an herbal energy drink sitting right in front of me that refuses to confirm my bias. Say yo to Heat E.S.P., it’s an unexpected winner!
The label on Heat energy drink tells me I’m supposed to witness the taste of acai berry and pomegranate. Ya know, acai berry is getting to be a big thing and I can honestly say I still don’t know what it tastes like. Truth is that this drink tastes a lot like Chaser 5 Hour Energy, but with a little more pomegranate to smooth it out. Heat E.S.P.’s taste is alright up until you swallow, upon which an all too familiar energy shot bitter aftertaste creeps up on you. Weird to find an energy shot experience in a full energy drink, it’s even uncarbonated.
Must be some crazy psychoactive stuff to give you E.S.P., right? Nah, curb your excitement. E.S.P. in this case stands for Energy Stimulation Performance. Lame. Here’s what’s responsible for Energy: caffeine (undisclosed), 5000% B12, 100% B2, B5, and B6. As for Stimulation we have amino acids and electrolytes added to Heat energy drink.
Now for Performance, what exactly were you thinking they meant? “Social and sexual well-being” is what the bottle says; yeah that’s totally what I was thinking. Not. To pull this one off, Heat contains herbs such as MACA, Yohimbe, L-Arginine and of course horny goat weed. Throw in some antioxidants for good measure and you have a drink that should have you covered for any task of the day. Even random sexual encounters. Gotta love a drink that’s considerate of random sexual encounters.
Editor’s note: Heat is “all natural” and is formulated to counteract the negative effects of alcohol consumption.
This department is where Heat E.S.P. really shines for a good 3-5 stable hours. I’ve thrown every curve ball I can think of at this drink. I drank it first thing in the morning, mid-day before and after eating, late at night, and during long boring drives. No matter what the scenario, you can lean on this drink and it won’t let you down. For an energy drink lover, that alone is downright arousing. Forget the horny goat weed.
Heat E.S.P may be a little rough around the edges, but when it comes to what counts, it’s a gorgeous product. Look for Heat “herbal” energy drink in the cereal aisle of your local grocer (I’ve just always wanted to say that).
Reviewed by Dusty Smith

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