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Caffeine Addiction

Energy Drinks and Caffeine: A Gateway Drug
Some believe energy drinks and caffeine increase the risk of substance abuse. Here are the studies that support caffeine being labeled as a gateway drug.

Caffeine Cleanse Aid: Rutaecarpine
A caffeine cleanse is useful since caffeine can hinder sleep and impair health. Rutaecarpine is an herb shown to remove caffeine from the body faster.

Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms: Top Fifteen
The most common caffeine withdrawal symptoms. If you have or are planning on giving up caffeine, here's what symptoms to expect and how to ease them.

12 Signs of an Energy Drink Addict
Here are 12 ways to determine your level of energy drink addiction as well as the consequences that can result from being addicted to these beverages.

Reddit is More Addicted to Energy Drinks than BuzzFeed
Our Death By Caffeine web app has been pretty popular over the years and it also can give us some interesting data regarding which sources of caffeine are preferred by its users. Over the past year both BuzzFeed and reddit featured Death By Caffeine and sent a lot of visitors to it. We thought it […]

20 Awesome Benefits of Quitting Caffeine or Coffee
20 great benefits you may reap from quitting caffeine in coffee, tea, energy drinks, or soda. Your long-term good health could depend on it.

Caffeine Tolerance: Causes, Prevention, and Reset
Caffeine tolerance develops quickly when caffeine is consumed daily. We discuss how this forms, how to avoid it, and how to reset tolerance to caffeine.

Caffeine Detox: How to Quit Caffeine and Break the Addiction
A caffeine detox may be needed for many reasons. Here’s a step by step guide to quit caffeine using two methods. Quitting cold turkey isn't always the answer.

Is Caffeine Addictive? What Research and Experience Reveals
If caffeine in an addictive substance or not is debatable. Research may not agree but people can personally attest to the grip caffeine addiction can have.

Caffeine Addiction a Mental Disorder?
Is caffeine addiction a mental disorder? What the latest addition of the DSM-5 says about this addiction and related disorders including caffeine use disorder.

Quick Chart: Compare Caffeine Amounts
Relative caffeine amounts at a glance. Many thanks to Randy Krum of

Caffeine Addiction Diagnosis
This caffeine addiction diagnosis tool can give you a good idea just how addicted to caffeine you really are. Take this easy 10 question quiz.

The Most Caffeine Addicted Country
Top 10 countries most addicted to caffeine as well as the top 10 USA cities. How much caffeine do they consume and how does Americans' addiction compare?

Best Caffeine Buzz Comes After Withdrawal
It is possible to reset your caffeine dependence and achieve that caffeine buzz once again. However, it comes with a price.