Bull Tonik

Caffeine Levels

per fl. oz bottle


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An effervescent tablet that turns any drink into an energy drink. 2 tablets are reccomended for max results.

DISCONTINUED It appears this product is no longer available.


This review was completed by an independent drink reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of this site.

Let me gently tuck an image into your mind. At a sunny beach in Cali, the seagulls all the sudden start to tweak out of their minds as if on a massive caffeine rush, turning the turbulent ocean breeze and visible sun rays into a Red Bull Air Race obstacle course.

Note: It looks as though Bull Tonic has been discontinued.

The spectacle continues on for about 10 minutes, when it is soon dramatically punctuated by the successive explosions of every maverick bird. Yes, explosions. Just up the beach, you notice two kids that witnessed the spectacle. Their jaws are dropped far enough to be a part of a cliché mathematical “could reach to the moon” statistic. You then notice that each of them is holding a black, yellow, and red container titled, “Bull Tonik: Strong Energy Drink Effervescent Tabs.”


The last thing I expected from this product was a taste enhancement to whatever beverage I chose to nuke. The first thing I expected was degradation in the taste of my beverage. Considering these extremes, the taste of these tabs is surprisingly acceptable, somewhat to my surprise in fact. In all my experimentation with these tabs, never did they once destroy a drink.

With each tab packing 80mg of caffeine (bitter by nature), it’s actually an impressive feat to pull this off. They don’t improve drink taste, either. Rather, the tabs add a mild Red Bull taste that plays nicely with just about anything. This all goes out the window, of course, if you add more than the recommended serving to any drink.


Each bottle cap-sized tab packs in an impressive amount of ingredients. We’re talking 80mg of caffeine, 500mg of Vitamin C, nearly a gram of B vitamins, and 500mg of Taurine.


The recommended serving is 2 tabs per 200ml drink if you want what they call, “maximum energy.” Maximum energy you say? Hah. I challenged that statement by putting 4 tabs into a half-drank medium fountain drink. Let me assure you, there are other ways to achieve “maximum energy.” Stupidity aside, 2 tabs do a respectable job at transforming any mortal drink into a standard energy drink. With each container packing 20 tabs, though, you get to be the boss.


Did you ever envy that drug junky in the movies that pulls out a small container of white powder in a public setting to get his fix? This is how I feel when I pull out the container at a restaurant and drop some tabs into my drink. Frankly, Bull Tonik energy tabs do a respectable job and I would recommend them for anyone in need of such a niche product.

Side note: be careful what you put them in! Carbonation can accelerate the effervescence and make a mess. Think Mentos and Coke, but less extreme. If this thought means nothing to you, you’re an internet hermit and you need to start Googling the topic now.

Reviewed by Dusty Smith

Ingredients in Bull Tonik

Sugar content: Contains no sugar.

Compare Sugar Content

Caffeine Concentration

Bull Tonik contains 20.00 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (67.63mg/100 ml).

Caffeine (mg) per Ounce
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Bull Tonik 5 Hour Energy Coffee (Espresso) Coca-Cola Classic


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