Red Bull Energy Shot

Caffeine Levels

per fl. oz bottle


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Red Bull Shot is the energy drink pioneer's energy shot.

It's a more concentrated version of Red Bull

See our review below.

DISCONTINUED It appears this product is no longer available.

Where To Buy Red Bull Energy Shot

Red Bull Energy Drink 24 Pack of 8.4 Fl Oz

Price: $34.99 $32.69 Available from Amazon / Red Bull

Red Bull Energy Drink Sugar Free 24 Pack of 8.4 Fl Oz, Sugarfree (6 Packs of 4)

Price: $35.99 $35.99 Available from Amazon / Red Bull

Red Bull Energy Drink 12 Pack of 8.4 Fl Oz

Price: $19.69 $18.72 Available from Amazon / Red Bull

Red Bull Energy Drink 24 Pack 8.4 Fl Oz

Price: $37.69 $35.38 Available from Amazon / Red Bull

Red Bull Energy Drink 12 Pack of 8.4 Fl Oz

Price: $19.69 $19.69 Available from Amazon / Red Bull


This review was completed by an independent drink reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of this site.

rb_energyshot Red Bull Energy Shots have been discontinued, but may be found in some regions while supplies remain.

Normally, I’d toss together a paragraph or two of words to introduce the product that I have reviewed.

As I sat down and started to contemplate what my introduction for the Red Bull Energy Shots would be like, I realized something. These shots need no introduction.

If you are not familiar with Red Bull and feel an informative introduction is warranted, I’m sorry but you must have your lost your way. The blog for shut-ins is just down the hall and to the right.


From my experience, it seems there is no room for significant taste innovation with energy shots. They all seem so overcome with cramming in a zealous energy blend that there’s little room left for tasty content. While energy shots do vary in taste, there is always a foundation that carries across platforms. That common ground in taste between all energy shots is, in a sense, the identifiable taste of this shot. Nice job, Red Bull, you just made every shot out there taste like they’re copying you. However, to get to the point, this shot will not offend you if you are fine with the regular Red Bull taste.

The sugar free version? Just as you’d expect. Exactly like the unedited version but with less flavor commitment.


The regular Red Bull says to the Red Bull energy shot: “And I shall call him, mini me.’” The composition of the shot is no different from the popular 8oz can (including 80mg of caffeine). I hear it took years of creative planning and dedicated execution; a real breakthrough achievement for the R&D division at Red Bull.


Hear me now, hear me clear: Red Bull has officially made a functional product for the caffeinated majority. Woah. The effect does not barge in with a jolt, in fact it’s quite difficult to refer to a point in time where the shot starts to take effect. You’ll also be challenged to mark a point where the effect wears off. So, what kind of effect is there to be had if you can’t feel it come or go? It’s a very quiet effect, but the beat behind the soothing music is undoubtedly techno.


These energy shots were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. If they behave, their success is in written in stone. These shots do not make any statements and they shouldn’t. All they have to do is avoid turning away consumers and they will do just that. Those high on the Red Bull corporate food chain should have a much more extravagant Christmas this year.

Reviewed by Dusty Smith

Ingredients in Red Bull Energy Shot

Sugar content: Contains no sugar.

Compare Sugar Content

Caffeine Concentration

Red Bull Energy Shot contains 39.41 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (133.26mg/100 ml).

Caffeine (mg) per Ounce
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Red Bull Energy Shot 5 Hour Energy Coffee (Espresso) Coca-Cola Classic Spike Energy Drink


Our Review