Sugar Free Energy Drinks List

sugar-free-energy-drinksOur Sugar Free Energy Drink table outlines many popular sugar free energy drinks and their caffeine level.

We also identify which artificial sweetener is used, so you know what to look for when you are peering into the cooler for a sugar free energy drink.

This chart does not include energy shots as they are almost always sugar free anyway.

Also, several natural sugar free energy drinks are beginning to appear in the marketplace. These generally use stevia or sugar alcohols and some are included in the list below.

Popular Diet Energy Drinks

Drink Name Caffeine (mg/can) Sweetener type
Rockstar sugar-free 160 Ace-K, Sucralose
Rockstar Pink 120 Ace-K, Sucralose
Monster Zero Ultra 135 Sucralose, Ace-K
Rockstar zero-carb 240 Ace-K, Sucralose
Monster lo carb 160 Sucralose, Ace-K
Java Monster 160 Sucralose
No Fear sugar free 154 Sucralose, Ace-K
Red Bull sugar free 80 Ace-K, Aspartame
Crunk sugar free 200 Sucralose
Sobe Adrenaline Rush sugar free 152 Sucralose, Ace-K
Venom low-carb 160 Sucralose, Ace-K
Go Girl 100 Sucralose
XS Energy (all flavors) 83 Ace-K, Sucralose
Full Throttle 144 Sucralose, Ace-K, Saccharin
Lady Pink ? Sucralose, Ace-K
Amp sugar free 160 Sucralose, Ace-K
Guru Lite 125 Cane Juice, Stevia, Luo han guo juice
Xyience Xenergy (full line) 200 Sucralose, Ace-K
Spike Shooter 300 Sucralose
Redline RTD & Princess 250 Sucralose
BAWLS Exxtra 150 Sucralose, Ace-K
Hype Enlite 80 Sugar, Sucralose, Ace-K
Monster Absolutely Zero 135 Sucralose, Ace k and Erythritol
Monster Ultra Pink 135 Sucralose, Ace-K
Celsius Energy Drink 200 Sucralose
Liquid Ice Sugar Free 80 Sucralose
Wave Sugar Free ? Aspartame, Ace-K
Red Bull Total Zero 80 Aspartame, Sucralose, Ace-K
NOS Sugar Free 260 Sucralose, Ace-K
Cintron Tropical Azul 170 Sucralose, Ace-K
Roaring Lion Zero 161 Stevia

monster-zero-ultra-energy-drinkThe diet beverage market has been growing. In fact, last year Diet Coke and Coke Zero both found their way into the top ten soda’s according to sales.

The same is true with diet energy drinks since more and more consumers are becoming aware of the dangers of sugar filled beverages.

As you see above, most sugar free energy drinks use the standard artificial sweeteners with the exception being Guru who is marketing some natural low calorie sweeteners. Sucralose a.k.a. “Splenda” has been getting some bad press lately, so who knows if that will cause other companies to go the more natural route as well if consumers begin shunning sucralose the way they did aspartame and saccharin which were previously used in sugar free energy drinks.

Stevia based sugar free drinks are also becoming more popular. This natural sugar is being marketed as a better alternative to artificial sweeteners.

Time will tell if the trend eventually filters into big brands like Monster and Rockstar.

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Last Modified: September 11, 2014