Energy Drink Reviews
Drinks are reviewed by an independent drink reviewer and do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of this site.

Drink Neuro: Functional Beverage Review
Neuro Drinks review including Neuro Bliss, Neuro Sonic, Neuro Sleep, and Neuro Daily. What are the active ingredients and do these functional drinks really work?

Quite Possibly the Most Powerful Energy Drink Ever
Is Redline still the most powerful energy drink? Find out which drinks and shots made the top 10 based on caffeine content.

Red Bull Editions: Red, Blue, Silver, Yellow, Cherry, Orange
Red Bull Red, Silver, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Cherry Editions review. How they taste and what's in these new energy drinks from Red Bull.

Muscle Monster Energy Drink
Muscle Monster Energy Drink review and caffeine content. How does it taste and how does it compare to other protein supplements.?

Rockstar Super Sours Energy Drink
Rockstar Super Sours Energy Drink is yet another flavor variation from Rockstar, but this drink seems to be clearly marketed towards kids.

Monster Ultra Energy Drink Reviews
Reviews of Monster Ultra Energy Drinks including Sunrise, Black, Blue, Red, and Zero. How they taste, their ingredients, and their function.

Monster Cuba-Lima Energy Drink
Monster Cuba-Lima is an energy drink that is a non-alcoholic version of a Cuba-Libre. How does it taste and what's in exactly in it?

Ubermonster Energy Drink
Ubermonster Energy Drink is brewed, bio-activated malt energy supplement from Monster energy. How does it taste and how much caffeine is in it?

Liquid Ice Energy Drink: Sugar Free
A review of Liquid Ice Energy Drink sugar free version. An apple flavored energy drink marketed to the club/bar scene as an RB rival. Does it stand up to the mixer giant?

Cintron Energy Drink: Citrus Mango
A review of Cintron Energy Drink, Mango Citrus. Cintron has a full line of interesting flavors, but does it pass the energy test?

NOS: Nitrogen Injected Energy Drink?
Review of NOS Energy Drink both Original and Loaded Cherry. Does this drink contain nitrogen or nitrous oxide and how does it taste?

Crave Energy Drink Mix
A review Crave Energy Drink Mix. A powdered drink mix that is to be combined with 16oz of water. How does Crave compare to other energy drink drink mixes?

Hydrive Extra Strength Energy Drink
A review of Hydrive Extra Strength Energy Drink. A non-carbonated, black cherry drink with a large dose of caffeine. How does it measure up to the rest of the Hydrive line?

Neutron Energy Drink
A review of Neutron Energy Drink which is a citrus based energy drink. Does it deliver anything different or is it just a standard energy drink?

XS Gold Energy Drink
A review of XS Gold Energy Drink, which is the 11th drink and newest in the XS Energy Drink line by Amway.