Energy Drink Reviews
Drinks are reviewed by an independent drink reviewer and do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of this site.

Adina Natural Highs Coffee Energy Drinks
Adina is a company that strives to create energy products according to two principles: healthy and natural. Specializing in coffee-based drinks, they claim to be the first to produce a coffee energy drink that preserves the benefits of the coffee beans used and deliver a whopping 4-fruit servings worth of antioxidants in each can. Seeing […]

C+ Swiss Hemp Iced Tea
A review of C+ Swiss Hemp Iced Tea, which is a black tea drink with hemp extract. Is this legal and how does this drink taste and function?

Beaver Buzz: DAM GOOD?
On one of my usual frequents of the neighborhood 7 eleven, I scoured the energy drink wall for a tasty carbonated lift. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the sparkle of a strange red can called Beaver Buzz. So, what’s so good about it? First, this is the most Canadian drink out […]

GeeK BeeR Bawls Review
Most of us are familiar with the Bawls brand – carrying with it the onslaught of abhorrent jokes and the memories of the dark caverns of intense LAN parties and cram sessions that the drink typically lurks within. Its familiar blue-spotted bottle has hailed for some time as a tweaked soft drink of choice for […]
All In Energy Drinks: A Lesson In Vial Marketing
The energy fiend is a unique breed of human, both daring and knowledgeable. Unphased by ONLY 300 milligrams of caffeine and unimpressed by a majority of marketing cons, these wired elite aren’t easily amused. Yet companies still choose to half-ass products, adding meaningless hype and otherwise worthless mottoes in hopes of being the next #1 […]

Crunk Energy Drink Reviews
Crunk Energy Drink Review. Original, Mango Peach, and Citrus. How does this energy drink taste and does it really provide a boost of energy?

Lost Five-O Energy + Juice
Lost Five-O Energy + Juice has been on the market for a little while, but after 30 hours of flying and sitting in airports coming back to east coast USA from New Zealand, I needed some serious jet lag medication. I dragged myself up to the local 7-Eleven with a list of new energy drinks […]

Guru 100% Natural Energy Drink Review
When I think of a guru, I think of an all-knowing teacher. Ready and willing to put me through trials before learning how to live day in and out, like a Stock Market Guru or Financial Guru. When I think of Guru Energy Drink however, I think of a serious can that has come to […]

Starbucks Doubleshot Energy + Coffee Review
Review of Starbucks Doubleshot Energy + Coffee revealing how this energy drink/coffee hybrid tastes, functions as well as what's in this popular beverage.

AMP Energy Drink Reviews
Reviews of Amp Energy Drinks. How PepsiCo changed AMP over the years to capture more customers and fans. Has it worked?

Verve Energy Drink: The Biggest Ingredients List Ever
Verve energy drink has the biggest list of ingredients of any energy drink. Are all these ingredients necessary or a waste of money?
Mana Energy Potion Review
Listen up readers/nerds/caffeine addicts alike, it’s time to rummage through your closets, reinstall Dungeons & Dragons, and put on your robe and wizard caps. Everyone seems to be a little bit depleted on their Mana points lately and a 160pt (caffeine in mg per serving) increase should get those woman-less LAN Parties back on your […]

Arizona All City NRG: Big City Culture in a Boldly Colored Can
The streets are a place that capture such a unique way of life that one can only start to grasp it after spending a considerable amount of time among them. Not only are the streets a way of life, they represent jobs, success and failure, a culture apart from the rest. A culture that ends […]
Brain TonIQ: The Birth of a True Think Drink
Recently I took some time to visit a well known tech conference in the Bay Area and started noticing one person after another carrying around a very visually appealing stark white beverage that resembled an energy drink. As the day progressed I started to notice two things, not only did near everyone have one, but […]

What’s a Vitality Drink? And Is Guarana Better?
“Vitality” is a marketing term that is being used to distinguish between different kinds of energy drinks. Case in point: Marquis Platinum Vitality Drink (try saying that mouthful when you’ve gone a whole day without caffeine). Vitality Drink Definition It’s a “vitality” drink because it doesn’t have the usual formula of synthetic caffeine and High […]