Energy Drink Reviews
Drinks are reviewed by an independent drink reviewer and do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of this site.

Demon Energy Drink Reviews
Reviews Demon Energy Drinks including Original, Envy, and Killa Troppo. How is this drink different from others in the Australia and New Zealand market?

Spider Energy Drink Review
A review of Spider Energy Drink, which took two years to develop. Was it worth it?
Sin Energy Drink: Greed
A sinful review of Sin Energy Drink's Greed. How does it compare to the real thing?

Guayaki Yerba Mate Energy Drink Review
A review of Guayaki Organic Energy Drinks, Which are a line of Yerba Mate and Green Tea infused products. Does Guayaki deliver?

Blood Energy Potion: New Moon Fuel
A review of Blood Energy Potion just in time for Twilight New Moon's release. Vampires and Vampire wanna-bes are sure to love this bloody energy drink.
Monster Punch (DUB Edition) Review
A review of Monster Punch (formerly DUB Edition) energy drink. How this drink is different from other Monsters and how it functions.

Lucozade Energy Drink: Cherry Addition
A review of Lucozade Energy Cherry Flavour. Lucozade has been a staple in the UK for decades, how does this one measure up?

Pure Cofain 699 Energy Drink Review
A review of Pure Coffain 699 the highest caffeinated drink in Europe.

All Day Energy Shot Review
A review of All Day Energy shot made by SKY Nutrition. Includes taste, ingredients, and how the shot functions. Non-disclosed caffeine amount.

Heat E.S.P. Energy Drink: “Herbal Energy”
A review of Heat ESP energy drink, a new Herbal Energy Drink that promises to give you energy, stimulation, and performance. Does it measure up?

Bulldog Buzz Energy Drink Review
A review of the UK based energy drink Bull Dog Buzz. We look at the ingredients and how well they work as intended.

Advocare Spark Energy Drink Review
A review of Advocare Spark energy drink. How does it taste, how much caffeine, and does it deliver the promised boost of energy?

E-Boost: Energy Mix Review
You know, back in the day water used to be all the rage. It was refreshing, usually tasted good, and under the right circumstances, was totally free. And oh, it kept you alive. These days, water is downright boring. What, no pretty colors or packaging? No flavor? No energy?! Boo! E-Boost agrees with all of […]
Rockstar Juiced Energy Drink Review
Rockstar Juiced Energy Drink Review but Australia and New Zealand Version. How is it different from the USA version?

Slow Cow: Mind Cooler Beverage
Slow Cow is a beverage that's supposed to relax you instead of give you energy. What's in it and will it neutralize caffeine?